Andrzej Chmiel

- BEHANCE FEATURE: featured on Adobe Illustrator Draw Served (2016) (Draw)
- BEHANCE FEATURE: featured on Adobe Sketch Served (2015) (color speed abstract sketches)
- BEHANCE FEATURE: featured on Adobe Sketch Served (2014) (color speed abstract sketches)
- BEHANCE FEATURE: featured on Adobe Sketch Served (2014) (AdobeSketch)
- Instagram feature: @gandurile_unui_lup [ hurt ] (2018)
- Instagram feature: @Its_epango  [dog] (2018)
- Instagram feature: @dirtycreative  [“Self-dracula” ]
- Instagram feature: @Its_epango  [hurt] (2017)
- LayoutRoku 2008: three jury nominations in logo category in the second edition of Polish nationwide graphic design competition. (2008)
- LayoutRoku 2008: jury nomination in poster category (for an independent project of a poster called cabaret) in the second edition of Polish nationwide graphic design competition. (2008)
- An honorable mention in the most absurd artwork of the year category (for a serigraph poster called Dzialanie muzyki na apetyt) at Festiwal Kultury Absurdalnej Absurdalia 2007 in Katowice. (2007)

- Capture Featured Artists: Adobe Invitation to collaborate on the Library CC... (2016)

→ Adobe Drawing
→ Adobe Drawing
→ Adobe Inspire Magazine
→ Adobe Drawing

Hello my name is Andrzej Chmiel and I am a Freelance Illustrator available for work, commissions and projects. You can contact me by form or
Phone: [+48] 660.997.429 / you can speak in english

Thank you for visiting my site!